Thursday, November 26, 2009

What's Hot & What's Not

I am joining in loobylu and her What's Hot and What's Not Wednesday's. Is it Thursday already?

OUCH !!! That's Hot!

  • My new Lee Mathews 50's style dress I purchased on ebay for cheap!
  • These grapes growing on our fence.
  • Celery and peanut butter on a hot day.
  • Going to the New Moon movie with my friends!
  • Andrea for having the Thanksgiving dinner at her place this Saturday. It's going to be yum and I need to keep my American roots!
  • The sweet tiny blue Kingfisher bird that visited our Silky Oak tree. We rarely see them at our house.

Not so Hot
  • Sammy the Siamese meowing at us early in the morning, walking from table to table because of his new phobia of carpet on his feet? Cat's don't read blogs I hope.

  • Exercising. I know it is good for me but...
  • Our dry, dry, dry spring.


  1. Have a nice Thanksgiving, hope you get some of our rain! Chele x

  2. You have grapes growing on your fence?????? Let me know when they are ripe!!! And a kingfisher? you must live in the garden of Eden! How bout a photo of that dress?????

  3. Happy Thanks Giving! Also - would love to see the Lee Matthews dress. Her stuff is gorgeous. xx

  4. NaNoWriMo is a (inter)national novel writing month where you sign up to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. it's supposed to be a really bad novel as no editing is allowed... Sadly I have not been as committed as i would have liked. Still, 8000 words better than nothing!
    And ditto Lee matthews.

  5. so wow all you nanowrimo writers!! sounds fantastic! does anyone share their writings or do you just keep them to your self?

  6. How nice to read this as it is snowing here and we are moving into winter...grapes growing on your fence, ahh, sounds yummy.

  7. I would love to have grapes growing on my fence...or at least a fence to start with:) In our unit all plants just refuse to grow!

    I went to New Moon too. Did you like it???? I like first movie more for some reason.

  8. Ooh grapes, now there's something I don't have growing. How beautiful are blue Kingfishers ? Just love that bright blue.

  9. love peanut butter in celery! yummy!

  10. Celery and peanut butter yummo I'm trying that! Love you hots and not ... Sammy is beautiful!
